Sep 23, 2020

Bipartisan House Plan Proposes Significant Investment in Clean Energy Infrastructure

Clean Energy

A House Bipartisan proposal, which is expected later this week, aims to invest significantly in clean energy infrastructure technology and tax incentives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the next 30 years.  The House Bill would create a clean electricity standard for the power sector designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 80% by 2050.  The standard calls for expanded resources for technology for carbon capture, use and storage, and would establish a revamped regulatory framework to modernize the energy grid.  The Bill would shift enforcement of power sector carbon dioxide emissions from the Clean Air Act to the policy… Read more

Apr 13, 2015

U.S. EPA Outlines National Strategy for Use of Green Infrastructure by Local Governments

Guidance recently issued by the U.S. EPA details the Obama administration’s national strategy for encouraging municipalities to utilize existing and new green infrastructure to help alleviate climate change. The EPA guidance document, which was released on February 22 and can be read in its entirety here, encourages municipalities to review local ordinances and planning documents to encourage the use of green infrastructure techniques which mimic natural processes such as the use of vegetation to slow down the flow of stormwater and to capture runoff before undiluted pollutants from paved surfaces can enter stormwater and combined sewer sanitary systems. Such techniques… Read more

Jul 30, 2012

EPA Provides Almost $1 Million to Improve Water Quality Green Infrastructure

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced last week that it is providing $950,000 to help 17 communities in 16 states expand green infrastructure use.  In so doing, EPA hopes to improve water quality, protect people’s health, and benefit communities with job creation and neighborhood revitalization.  Green infrastructure uses vegetation and soil to manage rainwater where it falls, keeping polluted stormwater from entering sewer systems and waterways in local communities.  Effective green infrastructure tools and techniques include green roofs, permeable materials, alternative designs for streets and buildings, trees, rain gardens and rain harvesting systems. Communities are increasingly using green infrastructure to… Read more