May 27, 2020

Staying Safe – Don’t Put Your Estate Planning on Hold

All Estate Planning

Take care of the basics While you should always have your estate planning documents in place, these uncertain times make it that much more important.  Review and update your health care proxy and living will to make sure you have the right person designated to make medical decisions for you.  Review your power of attorney to ensure your agent can make financial decisions should the need arise.  Review your current Will or your revocable trust to make sure that disposition of your assets still meets your wishes.  Depending how your assets are titled, not all of them might pass under… Read more

May 13, 2013

“There is nothing permanent except change.” -Heraclitus

Authored by: Paul J. Sowell Just when those impacted by the moving target that was the gift and estate tax exemption collectively sighed in relief at the passage of the fiscal cliff deal, it appears the celebration may have been premature.  President Obama recently released his proposed budget for 2014 where he seeks to revisit the exemption amounts. Under the President’s proposed budget, the gift and estate exemption would be reduced to the 2009 level of $3.5 million and the estate tax rate would be set at 45% starting in 2018.  In addition to fiddling with the gift and estate… Read more