Take care of the basics While you should always have your estate planning documents in place, these uncertain times make it that much more important. Review and update your health care proxy and living will to make sure you have the right person designated to make medical decisions for you. Review your power of attorney to ensure your agent can make financial decisions should the need arise. Review your current Will or your revocable trust to make sure that disposition of your assets still meets your wishes. Depending how your assets are titled, not all of them might pass under… Read more
Tag: Estate Planning Update
2016 Estate Planning Update
As soon as the last of the turkey is made into turkey soup, ‘tis the season to focus on year-end tax planning, particularly taking advantage of the gift tax annual exclusion. An individual can make gifts free of gift tax and without using any of his or her lifetime gift tax exemption of up to $14,000 per person per year. A married couple can make gifts of up to $28,000 per person per year regardless of which spouse actually makes the gift. (The annual exclusion amount is adjusted annually for inflation but will remain at $14,000 for 2016.) However, if… Read more