

SGR Telecommunications attorneys have represented clients in virtually every segment of the market.

Our representation has included, among others, the following types of matters:

  • Interconnection negotiation and arbitration
  • Joint use of fiber optic, microwave and mobile radio facilities, distribution poles, rights-of-way, service trenches, and radio towers
  • Marketing and resale of wireline, wireless and Internet services, and equipment
  • Wireless roaming arrangements
  • Construction and leasing of wireless telecommunications towers and tower sites
  • Purchase and maintenance of telecom and computer equipment and services
  • Video conferencing
  • 800 and 900 services
  • Service bureau services
  • Debit cards
  • Pay telephone service
  • Certification of telecommunications service providers
  • State and federal regulatory matters, including tariffs, rulemaking and complaint proceedings and regulatory compliance
  • Commercial, corporate finance, employment, tax, immigration, environmental, real property, intellectual property and commercial and bankruptcy litigation for telecommunications companies
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