Not all decisions from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit make national news, but last week the appellate court threw out a half a billion dollar win for the patent licensing wing of the University of Wisconsin called WARF – Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. WARF’s patent covered how computer processors execute program instructions, in a way to speed up processing. While a Wisconsin jury found the patent to be valid and infringed by Apple, the Federal Circuit agreed on validity, but found the jury had no reasonable basis for its verdict that Apple infringed. Over the course of… Read more
Tag: patent litigation
Will the Patent Venue Statute be Reinterpreted?
Heartland is an Indiana limited liability company that is not registered to do business in Delaware and does not have any regular or established place of business in Delaware. It was sued for patent infringement in the District of Delaware and its motion to dismiss or transfer the action under 28 U.S.C. §1406 was denied. In the pending Federal Circuit mandamus action it filed, In re TC Heartland, Heartland has asked the court to reconsider its interpretation of the patent venue statute 28 U.S.C. §1400(b). For a court to adjudicate a case, it has to have jurisdiction, both personal jurisdiction… Read more