Sep 5, 2017

Should You Evacuate Your Workplace During Hurricane Irma?

Hurricane Damage

During your preparations for the oncoming Hurricane Irma, you may be trying to decide whether to leave some employees in place at your facility or to evacuate the entire workforce.  The question may be asked, what does the law require?  Like so many other questions during an emergency, the answer likely is:  “good judgment.” There are no specific OSHA regulations requiring for employees to stay or evacuate during a hurricane.  OSHA does, however, require that employers provide a safe workplace and working environment for employees. During a hurricane, that may mean evacuating employees from the facility in order to keep… Read more

Mar 9, 2016

Risk Management Planning Rule Amendments on the Horizon

Facilities subject to EPA’s Risk Management Plan (RMP) facility safety program should keep an eye out for expected amendments to the governing rules, expected to be published in March by EPA.  EPA is completing its Small Business Advocacy Review of potential costs to small businesses.  In a presentation in November to an industry group, EPA described its plans for the amendments, which include provisions enhancing requirements for facility audits, new requirements for consideration of safer processes, new standards to increase disclosure of facility data to first responders and the public, and provisions addressing root cause analysis after accidents or near… Read more