SGR’s Bond and Public Finance Practice Group represents issuers, underwriters, trustees, local government authorities, borrowers, credit enhancers, lenders and purchasers in public finance transactions. Our attorneys have handled general obligation bonds, system revenue bonds, project revenue bonds, 501(c)(3) bonds, contract- and sales tax-backed obligations, tax anticipation notes, tax-exempt leases, and installment sales, certificates of participation, health care and housing bonds, private activity bonds, tax credit bonds, Build America Bonds and Recovery Zone Bonds. SGR has participated in virtually every type of public financing transaction including direct and conduit financings, pooled bonds, variable rate demand bonds and the various forms of… Read more
An SGR area of practice.
China Practice
China Practice Team 律师事务所简介 Firm Overview Smith,Gambrell & Russell律师事务所(SGR)于1893年创立,是一家提供全方位法律服务的国际律师事务所。发展至今,SGR已在美国境内、境外拥有十个办公室,和一支由超过250名律师组成的专业团队。 SGR中国业务部致力于为寻求在美国开展业务的中国公司、华人企业,以及寻求在大中华地区开展业务的美国企业提供“一站式服务”。 在涉及与跨境业务运营有关的各种事宜上,SGR致力于为客户提供有效和实用的解决方案,从最初的公司设立开始,包括策略规划、选址和税收激励谈判、日常运营事项、劳工问题、合同撰写,以及必要时提供与调解,仲裁和诉讼相关的法律服务等。同时,SGR不仅在美国各城市设有办公室,还在伦敦和慕尼黑设有办事处,其广阔的地域覆盖范围可满足客户的全球需求。我们的团队包括精通普通话,粤语,上海话,以及日语,韩国语,德语,法语,希伯来语,西班牙语,俄语和意大利语的律师。 从创业者到世界500强公司,SGR致力于为各种规模的企业服务,以提高及保护其在美国的商业利益。国际法律问题通常涉及许多业务部门,包括: 公司成立与治理 公司重组和子公司运营 选址和政府激励政策谈判 税收与融资 劳工和就业合规与建议 搬迁问题 房地产交易 收购,合并,合资,联合开发和许可事项 知识产权事项(专利,商标,版权) 数据保护与隐私协议 争议解决-诉讼,仲裁和调解 公司合规 移民与签证 建筑合同 如此以外,SGR的律师为客户以及他们的家属提供个人产业规划的服务,包括帮助非美国公民或非美国绿卡持有人规划在美资产的持有及在美投资。 SGR中国业务部的律师们精通于确定业务国际化和跨国运营中出现的复杂性,并为企业提供必要的法律支持、建议和解决方案。我们致力于与客户一同实现无缝过渡到国际市场的目标,共同成长,为企业在国际市场中的发展保驾护航。 SGR 中文法律时报登记 Subscribe to the SGR Newsletter SGR竭诚向您提供有关美国法律的新闻和法律法规更新。如果您愿意收到邮件更新,请发送您的姓名、公司名称及电子邮箱地址至 Mina Zhan, Esq., SGR 中文法律快讯China Practice Legal Alert² 请点击本链接查看已发布的中文法律快讯。 Attorneys’ Bios Thomas H. Hong律师 洪律师是Smith, Gambrell & Russell律师事务所的资深合伙人,同时兼任律所公司法部门合伙人及律所财务合伙人,代理过多国客户,在合资、合作、重组、收购和兼并,以及反垄断法等领域,有多年的执业经验。 洪律师自1999年加入Smith, Gambrell & Russell律师事务所,现于亚特兰大办公室执业。他专精于为合类客户提供有关公司法和商事交易的法律服务,包括企业并购、跨境公司架构、合资企业、风险投资交易和跨国公司管理等。在股权交易、资产买卖、企业拆分的交易过程中,洪律师在代理投资方和卖方的案例上都具有丰富的成功经验。洪律师现为美国加州及佐治亚州执业律师,曾任佐治亚州亚太美国律师协会(GAPABA)董事。 p: 404-815-3723 e: Everett “Rett” Peaden律师 Rett Peaden律师是Smith, Gambrell & Russell律师事务所的合伙人。他专精于公司法、并购法、国际法、私募股权和风险投资法、战略联盟和合资企业法、税法。瑞特(Rett)的业务专注于帮助客户进行合并和收购业务。他成功代表了包括制造业公司,专业服务企业,医疗保健和技术公司在内的各种行业的客户完成了他们有关以上活动的法律程序。 瑞特在与来自世界各地的国际客户合作方面拥有丰富的经验。 他协助过许多客户成功完成他们的国际商业投资交易,其中包括用合资合约,执照申请和经销合约,Greenfield项目,房地产开发合伙合约,及战略收购等形式达到国际入境投资的目的。 瑞特在埃默里大学(Emory University)获得哲学学士学位,当时他是Phi Sigma Tau哲学荣誉学会会员,并获得了拜占庭史奖。 他在范德比尔特(Vanderbilt)大学法学院获得法学博士学位。后来他在佛罗里达大学法学院获得税务法法学硕士(LLM)学位。 p: 404-815-3712 e: 詹忻(Mina Zhan) 律师 詹忻律师是佐治亚州注册律师,并通过中国司法考试,拥有在美国及中国大陆的从业经验。 詹律师在公司与并购、外商投资领域拥有丰富的专业经验。在公司与并购领域,她向客户提供的服务包括项目架构咨询、法律尽职调查、交易文件起草和审阅、谈判、交割服务等。在外商投资领域,她向客户提供的服务包括政府激励政策谈判、设立、变更和关闭外商独资企业、合营企业和代表处设立等。詹律师亦就各类企业日常运营中包括企业合规、劳工纠纷及商事诉讼等各类法律问题提供咨询。她所服务的行业广泛,包括制造、贸易、咨询、物流、房地产、高科技、医药、金融和矿业等。 詹律师于埃默里大学(Emory University)获得法学博士(JD)学位,并于英国布里斯托大学(University of Bristol) 获得商法学硕士(LLM in Commercial Law)。 p: 404-815-3686 e:
Class Action Litigation
SGR’s Class Action team has defended high-exposure class actions across a range of substantive areas, including financial services, insurance, consumer fraud, health care, antitrust, securities, products liability, telecommunications, and employment. SGR’s Class Action practice stretches across the country. We are currently and have recently litigated class actions in federal and state courts in: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, Washington, D.C., West Virginia, Wyoming, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. We also often coordinate parallel class actions and ensure the client’s strategy is consistent across… Read more
Commercial Lending
The firm has an active practice in all areas of commercial lending and corporate finance, including securitizations, leases, asset-based lending, and other transactions. We represent state and federally chartered banks and financial institutions in structuring, negotiating, documenting and closing loans secured by accounts receivable, equipment, inventory, or other property, and workout or collection of problem loans, as well as in: general corporate matters regulatory compliance interstate expansion mergers and acquisitions mutual-to-stock ownership conversions capital formation defense of regulatory enforcement actions lending transactions With more than 35 years of experience in the area of factoring, the firm has represented both bank… Read more
Construction Contract Drafting
Smith, Gambrell & Russell’s construction attorneys have drafted and negotiated thousands of design and construction contracts for all types of projects. Our experience includes drafting form contracts that can be used by clients on multiple projects using either industry form contracts, such as the forms published by the American Institute of Architects, ConsensusDocs, and Design Build Institute of America, or one of our own manuscript form contracts. Our experience in this area has enabled us to save our clients costs and properly place risk with the contracting party best equipped to manage a certain risk with the goal of finalizing contracts… Read more
Construction Dispute Resolution
Several attorneys within the Construction Law practice hold engineering or technical degrees, with extensive construction and environmental experience providing clients “value added” insight as well as providing day-to-day advice on all legal issues affecting the construction process. Our Construction Law service offering includes: Drafting and Negotiating Agreements A major part of the Construction Law practice is focused on prevention and resolution of disputes by working with clients before and during construction. On a daily basis, our Group reviews, edits, drafts and negotiates commercial and industrial construction agreements for private and public owners, general contractors, and other parties engaged in construction… Read more
Consumer Products
Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP provides sophisticated, commercially informed advice to a broad range of consumer products manufacturers on multiple facets of their business. We help consumer products companies with the full lifecycle of legal issues they encounter, from initial negotiation of agreements to resolving disputes with distributors, suppliers and vendors, to responding to inquiries from regulators and other governmental authorities. We identify risks and mitigation opportunities, proactively designing creative solutions. Should the need arise, we tenaciously enforce our clients’ rights and defend their interests in litigation. We regularly assist on matters involving: Intellectual property and brand protection Purchasing law,… Read more
Construction for Manufacturing
SGR’s construction attorneys have significant and deep experience with manufacturing facilities. We provide counsel to international companies building facilities in the United States. We also assist U.S. companies when expanding manufacturing operations to countries outside the U.S. Our Construction practice includes a strong base of experience with manufacturers across numerous industry sectors, including: Automotive Electronics Energy Wind, Solar, and other renewable resources Nuclear Oil & Gas Grid and pipelines Building Materials Machinery Food/Beverage Production Chemicals Natural Resources Consumer Products Pharmaceuticals Pulp and Paper Representative manufacturing industry matters on which we’ve recently worked include: A resin products manufacturer in the construction of… Read more
Construction for Residential
Residential construction accounts for more than half of all private construction spending in the United States. Single-family residences, condominium developments, apartment communities, senior living, and student housing are all part of the over $500 billion residential construction market. Additionally, home renovation and specialty trade contractors also make up a considerable portion of the residential construction market. Smith, Gambrell & Russell’s deep industry experience with residential construction makes it uniquely suited to assist home builders and multi-story residential contractors and developers. SGR assists contractors and developers with navigating the myriad of regulations that apply to residential construction and remodeling. This assistance… Read more
Construction Project Counseling
Construction projects vary greatly in size and complexity. No matter the size, construction projects are complex processes. Regardless of the size your project is, having the right project team helps ensure success. Construction Project Counseling provides you with a team of experienced construction lawyers to guide a project through the many decisions that determine success from concept through completion. Project Counseling helps you at every stage of the project, including: Planning Project Administration Project Execution Project Closeout Dispute Resolution Read more How We Add Value to Your Construction Project Claims Avoidance/Preservation Close-Out Procedures Contracts (compliance with state/local/federal laws) Continuity of… Read more