
This Week on Speaking of Green: Green Jobs at the New Sweet Center with Dennis Creech, Southface

This week “Speaking of Green” will feature Dennis Creech of Southface.

On October 26, 2010 (9:30 to 11:00 a.m.), Southface and the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) will host the official unveiling of the Southeast Weatherization and Energy Efficiency Training (SWEET) Center.

The SWEET Center is a positive example of ARRA funds in action! To date, Southface’s SWEET program has trained more than 700 weatherization professionals in home retrofitting and energy-efficiency skills, benefiting over 3,500 low-income households.

Join us as we discuss with Dennis Creech, Executive Director of Southface will share the wonderful success story of this new asset to Atlanta.

To tune in this week, or catch up on past episodes, please visit

“Speaking of Green” is a weekly blogcast on issues ranging from corporate sustainability to creating green jobs to the future of renewable energy in the south. Please contact for more information and details on how your business or organization can be featured as a guest.

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