Mar 24, 2015

John McCarthy Selected to Attend the National Trial Academy

SGR’s John McCarthy  was accepted into and will be attending the National Trial Academy sponsored by the Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) of the American Bar Association and the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA).  This course, affectionately called the country’s top “Boot Camp for Lawyers,” offers a unique, interactive, diverse program combining today’s latest technology with the country’s top trial lawyers as personal mentors.

McCarthy was selected as one of only 36 students to participate in the intense 4½ day program. The curriculum includes a case study, individual courtroom presentations, and lectures and courtroom demonstrations by faculty members on a variety of trial skills including  direct and cross-examination of medical and scientific witnesses, opening statements, closing  arguments and jury selection. The faculty includes defense and plaintiff attorneys, district judges, supreme court justices, jury consultants, professors and  technical engineers who are all seasoned experts in their particular specialties.

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