Jun 20, 2007

SGR Summer Associates are No Slackers

ATLANTA, GA (June 20, 2007) — Instead of lounging on a Bahamian beach for their summer field trip, summer associates with Smith Gambrell & Russell pounded nails in New Orleans.

Every summer, SGR treats its summer associates to a weekend team-building trip. This year, the firm broke with its tradition of flying the recruits to the Bahamas for a getaway on the beach. On Thursday, June 21, a group of 17 summer associates and 16 mentor attorneys, plus five spouses, traveled to New Orleans to help Habitat for Humanity rebuild homes destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.

“We wanted to do something different this year,” said SGR associate Erin Payne, who coordinated the trip. “In considering locations, New Orleans came to mind and immediately we thought this trip needs to be about more than just a vacation. We agreed that this year, we would use our break to help others.”

The group put in a full day’s labor, under the direction of Habitat for Humanity, then had one day free to take swamp tours and visit the French Quarter, before returning to Atlanta.

“By providing a meaningful experience that is also fun and brings us together as a team,” Payne said, “I believe we are giving our next generation of talent a perfect introduction to the culture of our firm.”

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