ATLANTA (October 1, 2001) — Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP announces the kick-off of its newly defined pro bono effort – the Generations Project, which is designed to address the legal needs of children and the elderly.
In coordination with the Atlanta Legal Aid Society (“ALAS”) and the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation (“AVLF”), SGR attorneys will provide legal services and work to protect the rights of indigent persons in these age groups.
“We feel it is our duty to give back to the communities that has been so supportive of our firm through the years,” said Stephen Forte, managing partner and chairman of SGR’s executive committee. “Everyone at Smith, Gambrell & Russell is excited about the new emphasis we are placing on the two distinct groups and we hope to have an immediate impact in the local communities. Our professionals have a sense of fairness and are committed to volunteerism.”
SGR attorneys participated in formal training sessions led by members of ALAS and the AVLF prior to the kick-off.
As part of the Generations Project, professionals and staff will also participate in service projects that benefit children and the elderly. The firm is already involved in Hands on Atlanta Day, Promina Corporate Challenge, Service Juris Day and March of Dimes Walk America and is looking to expand efforts in Atlanta, Washington D.C. and Jacksonville.