Oct 11, 2013

Trade Secrets


Although intellectual property’s “big three” are patents, copyrights, and trademarks, just as valuable is the fourth category:  trade secrets. We counsel our clients in taking steps to prove reasonable measures have been taken to protect confidential commercial information. When our clients are threatened with trade secret claims, we work with them in formulating effective defensive strategies. We have litigated complex trade secret cases including claims arising under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFARs). SGR intellectual property litigators led the committee that drafted the version of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act adopted in Georgia… Read more

Jul 19, 2012

Trademark Law

Intellectual Property Litigation: light bulbs

SGR’s Intellectual Property lawyers are well-qualified to guide clients through both the domestic and international trademark law systems. We work closely with our clients in determining the availability and registrability of a trademark or service mark, the preparation of the necessary applications and the prosecution of those applications to registration. Internationally, we work with our network of foreign associates to obtain foreign registrations in other countries for our U.S. based clients and we assist our foreign clients in obtaining U.S. registrations. We also assist in the negotiation and consummation of license, assignment and co-existence agreements. We offer our clients extensive… Read more