
Millennials Will Be Key Drivers of Sustainability in Small and Medium Businesses

Our client, Cox Enterprises, plays an active role in sustainability and conservation.  From time to time we feature clients and their impact on the community and environment.  Cox Enterprises released the results of its second annual Cox Conserves Sustainability Survey, which showcases that Millennials will lead the way for small and medium businesses in future conversations and efforts around conservation, energy efficiency, and environmental stewardship. The survey, commissioned by Cox Enterprises, is a national study that examines sustainability opportunities and challenges for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).

The top finding from the 2015 survey is that Millennials have a huge appetite for sustainability and will drive adoption of these practices. Millennials showed greater knowledge about sustainability than other age cohorts and a strong interest in implementing sustainable business practices but noted that in their current roles, they lacked the influence needed to effect change.

To read the complete publication, click here.

For more information on sustainability and related matters, contact Steve O’Day or Phillip Hoover.


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