Il 5 febbraio 2025, il Dipartimento del Tesoro degli Stati Uniti ha presentato un ricorso presso la Corte distrettuale degli Stati Uniti per il Distretto orientale del Texas per ottenere la sospensione dell’ordinanza del tribunale che concedeva un’ingiunzione preliminare a livello nazionale contro l’applicazione del Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) nel caso Smith v. U.S. Department of the Treasury. Tra le sue argomentazioni, il governo ha citato la sentenza della Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti nel caso Top Cop Shop del Texas, che ha concesso la sospensione di un’ingiunzione preliminare a livello nazionale che aveva bloccato l’applicazione del CTA emessa da… Read more

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced that the registration period for the fiscal year 2026 H-1B Cap will begin at noon Eastern on March 7, 2025, and will remain open until noon Eastern on March 24, 2025. During this period, employers can register each beneficiary for the selection process and pay the associated registration fee for each beneficiary electronically. By March 31, USCIS will notify employers of their selections via their online accounts. Selected beneficiaries will have 90 days to submit their H-1B petitions to USCIS for a visa start date of October 1. Key Changes for FY 2026 Registration… Read more

On February 5, 2025, the United States Department of the Treasury filed an appeal with the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas for a stay of the court’s order granting a nationwide preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) in Smith v. U.S. Department of the Treasury. Among its arguments, the government cited the ruling of the United Stated Supreme Court in the Texas Top Cop Shop case which granted a stay of a nationwide preliminary injunction that had halted the enforcement of the CTA issued by a different district court in… Read more

La città di New York ha recentemente emanato il Fair Chance in Housing Act (la “Legge”) che vieta di chiedere o raccogliere informazioni sui precedenti penali di un richiedente l’alloggio prima di approvare la domanda. La legge si applica a tutti i proprietari, locatori, consigli di amministrazione e ai loro dirigenti e investigatori, compresi i consigli di cooperativa che esaminano le domande di acquisto, i consigli di cooperativa o di condominio che affittano o vendono appartamenti e, forse, i consigli di condominio che esercitano il diritto di prelazione o altre revisioni di proposte di vendita in cui vengono utilizzati controlli… Read more

Con l’insediamento di Donald J. Trump alla presidenza, l’applicazione delle norme sull’immigrazione è diventata una priorità assoluta, come dimostrano il discorso inaugurale e gli ordini esecutivi del presidente Trump. Sebbene non si sappia ancora quale sarà l’impatto sui datori di lavoro, si prevede che una componente essenziale sulla politica immigratoria della nuova amministrazione sarà un aumento delle verifiche delle norme applicabili ai posti di lavoro e delle verifiche circa l’utilizzo del modulo I-9 per la verifica di idoneità all’impiego. L’Immigration Reform and Control Act del 1986 (“IRCA”) vieta ai datori di lavoro di assumere persone non autorizzate a lavorare negli… Read more

The Supreme Court has stayed the nationwide injunction blocking the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), but FinCEN says that Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting remains voluntary. On January 23, 2025, the Supreme Court granted the Government’s application for stay of the injunction issued by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in the Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc., et al. v. McHenry, et al. case.[1] The Supreme Court stayed the nationwide injunction pending the ruling on the appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Oral arguments regarding the constitutionality… Read more

Split closings are challenging and time consuming. A sale of an aircraft will usually consist of the sale of one airframe and its titled engines (each an object). When the titled engines are not affixed to the titled airframe, each object moves independently from one another. This means that the objects are often not simultaneously located in the same jurisdiction. When faced with this fact pattern, parties often consider closing the sale of the aircraft on the basis of a split closing. What is a Split Closing? A split closing occurs when legal title to an airframe and legal title… Read more

New York City recently enacted The Fair Chance in Housing Act (the “Act”) which prohibits asking or gathering any records about a housing applicant’s criminal history prior to approving the application. It applies to all owners, lessors, boards and their managers and investigators, including cooperative boards reviewing purchase applications, cooperative or condominium boards leasing or selling apartments and, perhaps, condominium boards exercising rights of first refusal or other reviews of proposed sales in which background checks of prospective purchasers are utilized. A criminal history check can be performed only after written approval of the applicant and must conform to substantive… Read more

With the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as President, immigration enforcement is a top priority as illustrated by President Trump’s inaugural address and executive orders. Although we do not know yet what impact this will have on employers, it is widely expected that one component of the new administration’s immigration crackdown will be an increase in worksite enforcement and Form I-9 employment eligibility verification audits. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (“IRCA”) prohibits employers from hiring individuals who are not authorized to work in the United States and requires that the employer confirm the identity and employment eligibility… Read more

On January 15, 2025, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously resolved a split among federal Circuit Courts and found employers need only demonstrate by a “preponderance of the evidence” standard that an employee is exempt from the minimum wage and overtime compensation requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The Supreme Court rejected a more onerous “clear and convincing evidence” standard, finding there exists no statutory or policy requirement for the FLSA to require such a higher standard of proof and concluding “the preponderance-of-the-evidence standard applies when an employer seeks to show that an employee is exempt from the minimum-wage… Read more