On November 13, the EPA announced that it will reopen existing federal standards for smog-forming pollution limits for heavy trucks. California, which has some of the worst smog in the country, has announced that it cannot wait for the federal rulemaking process and is proceeding with setting its own, potentially more stringent standards. California is completing its testing of heavy duty truck engines that have the potential to emit far fewer nitrogen oxides (NOx) – an ozone precursor – than those currently in use. If successful, the new engines’ technology could become the new standard for truck engines in the California market. The EPA is just beginning the process and wants to look at new tools such as advanced onboard technology to gather real-time emissions from the vehicles. California is currently on track to have its plans for tighter exhaust standards in place by 2019 – well in advance of the federal rulemaking process.
For more information about how the tighter California standard may impact engine manufacturers, please contact Phillip Hoover.